The Importance of Authentic Branding for Small Businesses


In today's crowded market, standing out can be a significant challenge for small...

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Unlock the Power of Your Website: Is It a Sales-Generating Machine or Just an Online Brochure?


I see it all the time. Marketers throwing money at the wrong place at the wrong...

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The Empathy Edge: Mastering the Art of Conscious Story Marketing for Better Engagement

If you’re reading this, you’re likely a smart, savvy business owner, and you...

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Could a Spiritual Framework for Building A Brand Be Your Answer?


There’s no denying - things are ultra intense right now.  It doesn't matter who...

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5 Reasons Why Your Website Copy is Driving Prospects Away

Maybe you've already gone through a website redesign at some point. Actually, if you are like...

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Communicating Clearly in the Wild Digital World

It’s not that we don’t know who we are and what we stand for, and why they should...

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The Secret to Building a Brand That Works In 2023

I don't know about you, but the formula for success that my parents gave me growing up may have...

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VideoCast: Accelerate Your Business, Quantum Style

"Who you ARE is your key to success. Discover and unlock your unique design and innate power...

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The True Power of Authenticity in Building A Brand

It scared the hell out of me to walk up on that stage. I had been in the makeshift green room of...

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Standing Out in the Quantum Marketing Age

Do miracles belong in business? You bet they do!  Let me explain. Because this is key...

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Building a Brand Without Soul Is a Big Mistake

You know, I didn't name my beautiful company by random thought. 


No, Soul Story...

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5 Do’s & Don'ts to Position Yourself As An Expert

One of my favorite marketing strategies and one of the best ways to bring in new business is to...

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