Impact Branding

Brand Strategy & Conscious Marketing for CEO’s, Founders, and Leaders ready for their marketing to actually work. 

Because it's tomorrow's marketing, today.  

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A private business & brand strategy program. 

Custom-designed communications strategies for executives, personal brands & thought leaders who want to land visibility opportunities to grow their impact.  

You should be leading, not worrying about...

  • your messaging & brand being disjointed and confusing 

  • lost revenue & opportunities

  • losing credibility in the marketplace 

  • the inability to respond quickly to the market changes

  • wasting time reinventing content & collateral 

You deserve a business that works for you.  

For over a decade, we've helped business leaders get their businesses running smoothly so they can make the impact they came here to make.

With our hallmark process, growing your business becomes a joy.

And your marketing becomes so much easier. 

Thought Leadership Content is your ticket to building confidence, gaining visibility with your ideal audience, and for opening doors of opportunity. 


 Through guest podcasting, video marketing, speaking, course building, and writing a book, going to market couldn't be easier.  

What We Offer


Brand Story, Power Positioning, Client Clarity, Messaging, Offers & Naming


Visual Perception & Brand Design, Logo Development, Colors, Typography


Customer Experience Driven Marketing: Design, Copywriting, Funnels, Imagery, Video

We don't tell you who to be. We show the world who you are.

Lynn Thomas

Founder of Eagala and Arenas for Change

"The Brand Story & Content Library offers all the compelling language we need to create our content! There are so many choices and so many ways to use it. It has the flexibility for our members to maintain uniqueness in their messaging, in their practices, while maintaining a consistent brand message globally. It’s brilliant!"

Carmell Clark

Founder of LifeArtist™ and

"Lee's process honed in on my clear, cohesive, and compelling brand message. Now my team and I don't have to reinvent the wheel over and over again to get people to understand us and what we offer. 
I  have accelerated my own business growth and profitability even quickly than I thought possible!"

Diana M. Needham

The Book Shepherd at

"Lee’s knowledge and insightful processes - to pull out the key messages, and the WHY I do what I do - are both masterful and nurturing, bringing not only clarity but huge relief that finally my message was clear and beautifully expressed, both visually and with words.
The results are nothing short of stunning!"

Dannielle Bryan

Founder of

"In just two short years, I have quadrupled my revenue and have opened my Shamanic Twist Wellness Retreat Center.
I couldn't have done this without our brand story and marketing plan Lee and her team built for me. My marketing is so easy now and I love my website!
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Brand strategy fixes problems like:

  • wasting your marketing budget jumping from tactic to tactic 

  • unclear and disjointed messaging 

  • lack of credibility and authority

Instead, first build a brand messaging library that is clear and cohesive; one that your team can get behind and communicate easily so your audience can understand.


A message that positions you as the thought leader you are, increases your bottom line, and opens doors to opportunities that grow your business. 

3 Steps to Your Soul Story Brand

Investments begin at $3800, depending on the complexity and scope of your project.

Still not sure?

Schedule a complimentary clarity call. 

We can discuss what's on your mind and get you clear on your next right steps to move forward in the direction you want to go. 

Walk away with actionable tips to increase sales and grow your company. 

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